Website Design.
Don’t turn customers away with a poorly designed ecommerce website design. Instead, partner with pepper – your digital marketing experts.
Download our FREE GUIDE on how to plan and budget for your website project.
We make ecommerce website designs that are competitive and relevant.
A well designed ecommerce website design is vital in converting website visitors into real customers. Because, ideally, the strategic design of your website should make the buying process as quick, easy, and stress-free as can be. Your digital advertising may be strong, but you don’t want to be turning away valuable customers if your website is not sales-optimised.
Also, you may be wasting your valuable ad dollars if visitors click off of your site the second they get to it. So, at pepper, user experience is at the heart of our ecommerce web designs.
Features of a beautifully designed and user-centric pepper ecommerce website design:

- User-centric – so every feature and function of your website should have the user in mind
- Simplicity – a minimal approach with little clutter always perform better than more complex layouts
- View cart button – one of the most important functions of your website is a clear and easy to find cart button
- Non-distracting – therefore removing or minimising unnecessary popups or information that pulls the visitor away from purchasing or emailing you
- Quality content – pepper always employs persuasive copy and effective high resolution images
- Testimonials and reviews – the majority of shoppers investigate reviews and testimonials to back up their decision making when making a purchase
- Clear Navigation Menus – carefully considered menus featuring dropdowns for subcategories thus ease of finding particular products or services
- Search Bar and Filters – From a user experience perspective, these functions allow for a quick and precise shopping experience, while instilling a feeling of control

Get in contact with pepper for a quick chat about your ecommerce design project!
From expertly crafted custom designed websites to online platforms built on open source technology such as WordPress, we deliver smart, effective solutions to business goals driven by website design and development. With a flawless project delivery record and dozens of projects under our belt, our team is well-versed across custom back-end and front-end development as well as leading eCommerce and Content Management Systems including WordPress, Joomla, Shopify, Magento and Adobe Muse.
Mobile optimised, beautifully crafted website creation and management.
We’re a very friendly bunch, so please get in touch – we’d love to learn more about your business and the project you’re working on. We know you’ve got lots of questions, so let’s see if we can answer some of them below.
Pepperit Ecommerce Website Design Services
Ready for immediate start, for less than the cost of an employee.
Result Driven
Beyond just going through the process, we’re committed to achieving measurable results, whatever your marketing goals. Great creativity, copy and execution means nothing if it doesn’t bring results.
We work as an extension of your team and systems – we attend meetings, produce reports and work shoulder to shoulder to achieve the results with your trusted team.
Data speaks volumes. So we help you to collect, interpret and report results. Whether those reports are for your Board, Management Committee or other stakeholders, we’ll help you report.
Next steps
Next, download our website design and development guide at the top of this page for all the information you need to plan, budget and brief in your website project. Then, read this post on how much you can expect to pay for your new website.
Ecommerce Website Design and more
Planning and building a successful ecommerce website is half the battle. So we utilise industry leading methods to maximise the reach of your website across all mediums and channels.
Email Marketing
There’s more to email marketing than spam so design and build smart, segmented and tailored email campaigns that delight your customers. Backed by rich analytics, make your campaigns convert into sales.
Social Media
Social media is essential for building a tribe of supporters and to demonstrate your company’s values. So ensure you have a strategy that’s easy to execute and simple to report on.
Search engine optimisation needn’t be confusing jargon. Simply tell Google as clearly as possible what your content is about and reap the rewards of ranking organically in Google and other search engines.
Get in touch, your way