Free Download: Find us on Facebook Logo.

All the specifications you need to get the right logo where you want it.

Email me the Find Us On Facebook logo package.

    Please send me the Find us on Facebook logo.

    We get it, you’re just here to get your hands on the Find us on Facebook logo. Our colleagues and clients are always asking us for it, in lots of different formats. So here it is (includes JPEG, PNG and AI vector formats), simply enter your details above.

    Will the Find us on Facebook logo give me more followers?

    A Find us on Facebook logo on your website, in a frame on your reception desk, or a sticker on your front door won’t get you more Facebook followers as people often ignore it. So, think carefully about where to use it.

    The deeper question we think you’re trying to answer is ‘how can I get more Facebook followers?’

    The truth lies in your Facebook page. This is where you need to have a deep, honest conversation with yourself and look at the content your business is posting on Facebook. Is it interesting and shareable, providing some sort of value to the viewer, even if it’s just a laugh?

    If you’re having trouble answering yes to the above, that’s OK. Plenty of businesses go through this moment of realisation. The good news is that you’ve realised your Facebook content needs work.

    We hear you asking, how can I make my Facebook content all those things you talked about? That’s easy, because you know your business, you know your clients and you know what makes them tick. Further, you know what they want, whether that’s free information, a laugh, or maybe just the feeling of being part of a community. Once you know what your clients really want, start making content that will resonate with them.

    Yes it’s hard work, yes it takes time, but we never said killing it on social media was easy.

    Get the logo now

    Anyway, enough of the lecture, we hope you enjoy the Find us on Facebook Logo versions we prepared for you. Drop us a line if there’s any alternative versions you’re after and we’ll include them in the package as we update it. Oh, and Facebook has some words of advice on other ways people can find you on Facebook.

    Interested in taking this further and developing a winning social media strategy?

    We’re more than a Facebook Logo

    We hope you enjoy the logo package. What else do we do at Pepper?

    Result Driven

    Result Driven

    Beyond pretty pictures, followers and likes, we’re committed to achieving measurable results, no matter the goal. Great ideas, executed well, means little without results.



    We work as an extension of your team and systems. We attend meetings, produce reports and work shoulder to shoulder to achieve the results with your trusted team.



    Data speaks volumes. We help you to collect, interpret and report results. Whether those reports are for your Board, Management Committee or other stakeholders.

    Check out our work

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    Media partners

    Renowned for our industry knowledge, expertise and commentary, we are delighted to partner with Australia’s largest and most well-respected news and industry publications.

    Get in touch, your way

      We love helping ambitious brands achieve business goals through digital and social media. Get in touch and we’ll do the rest.