Lawyers Weekly – Women in Law Awards 2017

Lawyers Weekly – Women in Law Awards 2017

Nicole Shelley

11 October 2017

To help prepare the nation’s leading women in the legal industry for their night of nights, the Lawyer’s Weekly Women in Law Awards 2017, our Operations Manager, Nicole Shelley, was asked to share insights into leveraging their nominations across digital media channels.


The Lawyer’s Weekly Women in Law Awards are not only a celebration of the industry’s best and brightest, they’re also an opportunity to share your nominations and success with a larger audience of prospective clients and partners.

In days long gone, your instinct may have been to reach out to your local newspaper or radio station. Today, it’s your keyboard. Through search, email, social – everyone you know (and don’t) can be reached through digital channels. It’s not just the nominees and finalists who can benefit. As a sponsor of the event, it provides a great opportunity to further maximise your investment and effectively capitalise on the high levels of engagement around the event. This will help to increase your social media following, exposure and brand profiling within the industry.

To help you leverage your award nomination or your involvement this year, we’re going to outline four quick wins to help you reach key audiences with a message of your achievement and support for the event.

Social media

Social media is not only a great place to stay in touch with friends and family. It’s also the most effective platform on which to share stories and successes. It’s also effective for networking and marketing. Start by sharing a post about your nomination or involvement on your primary social media accounts.

With a hint of modesty, make sure all your connections – personal and professional – know that you’ve been nominated and that your nomination is a reflection of your skills and expertise in the legal field.

Remember to speak in your audience’s language. If you’re letting family and friends know on Facebook and Instagram, stick to a conversational tone. When announcing it to professional networks or broader audiences on LinkedIn and Twitter, maintain the vernacular you would employ in a business setting.

To increase your reach and encourage others to share, make sure you mention and tag others as part of your social media posts.

Email marketing

Never underestimate your email list. More than any other marketing audience, your email list is full of qualified, relevant contacts. To make the most of these connections, share your message in a promotional email or newsletter. Make your nomination or involvement the focus of your email to reinforce your unique business proposition and exemplary service.

A successful marketing email featuring your nomination will remind current and lapsed clients of your professional pedigree. It will also open the door for future referrals and business.

Internal communications

Whether you work in a small to medium-sized firm or a top-tier global conglomerate, award nominations are great for morale. From your company newsletter to the local intranet, spreading word of your nomination reflects well on your own efforts within the firm. It also reflects well on the staff and business as a whole.

Corporate website

Your corporate website is the face of your firm. Always a port of call for any prospective client or business partner, an award nomination being featured on your homepage is a powerful marketing message.

But to really engage your website visitors, an accompanying blog post is essential. Posting a feature article with genuine insight into your career coupled with personal commentary gives the award context. It also adds a sense of humanity. A quality that is becoming increasingly more important in the professional services industry today.


Published daily, and reaching over 110,000 lawyers, Lawyer’s Weekly is the authoritative source of independent news, analysis and opinion about the practice of law in Australia. 

Need expert advice on social media for professional services? Contact Nicole today.
