In 1986, the city of Chernobyl suffered a catastrophic nuclear event whilst under Soviet rule. Now, more than 30 years on and following a popular HBO series about the incident, uninhabitable Chernobyl is a growing hub for tourism.
However, some tourists have taken their visit as an opportunity to take distasteful selfies in the area, and post these to their Instagram accounts.
Social media is a hugely beneficial way for individuals and businesses to share good news stories with their networks. But to prevent misuse, it’s important for users to think before they post – especially if it would be deemed insensitive.
Ryan Shelley spoke with Yahoo News Australia about the need for social media users to exercise caution when sharing content about certain places, people or events.
Ryan said that people posting photos to social media need to “take a moment and consider the gravity of the location” and “be respectful”.
“In this case it’s probably … the younger demographic not understanding the significance of Chernobyl.”
You can read the full article online.