Sharing Best Practice on LinkedIn

Sharing Best Practice on LinkedIn

Nicole Shelley

26 June 2017

Ensuring you’re utilising sharing best practice on LinkedIn can be the difference between having 5 followers and 500. Think back to that classic philosophical question – if a tree falls in a forest and there’s no one there to hear it does it make it a sound? In this case the answer is, does it matter? There’s no point banging your proverbial LinkedIn drum if no one is listening. Which brings us back to ‘shares’. Sharing will be your best bet in getting the word out about your brand.

What is sharing?

It’s exactly that. In a nutshell, there’s three main types of content that can be shared:

  • Original articles
  • Images or links
  • Existing profile posts

Sharing Best Practice on LinkedIn: Step by Step

The first step is posting content to your Main business page. These posts should be made at least daily as the more active you are on the platform, the higher the chance people will see and engage with your content. These are the types of content you’ll want to share:

  • Company news
  • Industry updates
  • Blog Articles
  • Job Vacancies (On occasion)

The next step is sharing these updates across any ‘child’ pages. These are additional pages that might be linked to your main business page for any number of reasons. To prevent an inconsistent brand image and to improve the visibility of your content, share posts across all these pages.

Now it’s time to involve your staff. Once the content is published and public on the company page it’s time to boost engagement. Make some noise. To do this your staff should interact with key posts by:

  • Sharing the posts with the ‘share’ button to their personal profiles
  • ‘Liking’ specific posts
  • Commenting and tagging friends who would find the content interesting

We suggest encouraging staff to aim to share 3 company posts a week on their personal profile.

By following these steps to Sharing Best Practice on Linkedin, you will be able to begin cultivating an engaged user-base. Next up on our LinkedIn Best Practice blog, we’ll look at how craft your posts for a professional audience.

Interested in an expert advice? Get in touch.