The Hibernation Diaries Part 10

The Hibernation Diaries Part 10

Ryan Shelley

7 May 2020

Part 10: Bringing it all together

Your digital summary

Congratulations on getting this far into our digital marketing guide.

If we can leave you with one thing, it’s about starting with a good content marketing plan. Once this is developed, you will be equipped to share your great ideas and insights, find new and quality customers and ultimately drive incremental revenue.

With the creation of an article that is added to your website and fully search engine optimised, you can gain maximum benefit from it by:

  • sending to a segmented group via email
  • sharing on third party websites that will grow your audience and provide valuable backlinks to your website
  • posting on your relevant social media platforms to gain greater engagement with your customers

A key to approaching digital marketing in your own business is to remember to make it about your customer. Whatever your message is, show value or benefit to the people who keep your business running. Plus, make plans and stick to them when you’re dedicating time to planning your content and engaging with your community.

Don’t get left behind, it’s time to take action on your digital marketing strategy. Developing email marketing lists, leveraging SEO benefit and gaining a social media following all takes planning and patience. Don’t put off building these digital assets. Once you do, your digital marketing will work more effectively for you. It’s really not as daunting as it may first appear.

Have questions, we’re here to help! We’re delighted to be listed as Best Digital Marketing Agencies of 2020 and Best Web Companies in Australia by SelectFirms.

Catch up on previous articles in this series.

Part 9: Social Media
Part 8: Email Marketing
Part 7: Search Engine Optimisation
Part 6: Leverage Your Content
Part 5: Create Your Content
Part 4: Define Your Keywords
Part 3: Content is King
Part 2: Why Digital Marketing?
Part 1: A Realignment